Again, we are so glad that our new Puppy Owners are taking the time to send us pictures and updates of their TQS Puppy.
Thank you all, and keep them coming!
Greenwood Family From Kentucky!

Sammie went to the vet this morning for more shots. He's is at 8 pounds at 12 weeks. He sure loves the outdoors as on pretty days it's hard to get him inside! We haven't had much good weather for working in the fields, but one day I put in a rather long day and he hung in there with me all day... He was pooped that night... He loves being in the truck! He goes back to the vet in three weeks.
I was wrong, Sammie is 11 weeks old! He has gone from 3-8 pounds in the 5 weeks I've had him. He is such a great joy and a very independant companion..

I took Sammie to the vet yesterday and at 14 weeks and a day, he's 10.4 pounds! He doesn't have to go back until August when I'll have him neutered. He's such a pleasure and getting into everything now. He really loves being outdoors and tries to help in the mornings put my boots on as he know he's getting in the truck. He definitely loves riding in the truck..

This is Sammie at 6 months and 17 lbs!!!!! He was neutered 8-8-11 and is doing great. He's making such a great companion and is with me 24/7...
Mac Greenwood - Hopkinsville
Owner of Sammie II.
Hernandez Family From Maryland!

Hello Rebecca, here is a picture of Khloe in our garden, she has adjusted well , she is eating fine and seems as happy as we are to have her, also you did a wonderful job with her in the housebreaking part she hasn't had an episode so far, she very loving and playful.
We took her to the Vet today and she has no life threatening diseases.
We enjoy the process of getting our new puppy from you , you were very kind and easy to talk to and we will definitely recommend you .
Sincerely, the Hernandez Family!
Owners of Khloe.
Valentine Family From Ohio!

Hi Becky, hope you're doing well with the new baby. Zoe is doing fabulous. She's crate trained already and is now the official office dog. All the clients love her and and she loves everyone - EXCEPT when someone tries to cross our yard. Then she goes bananas. She's finally 4 lbs. We just love her.

Thanks, Carolyn Valentine.
Owner of Zoe.
Stephens Family From Winfield, Tennessee!

I saw you at the vet office and just wanted to send you some pictures of Fez.
I looked it up and his parents are Midnight and Trixie Baby.

Thank you, Misty Stephens.
Owner of Fez.
Matz Family From Tennessee!

Hi Rebecca! Thought you all might like to see how our little Sugarbell (AKA: "Bell") is turning out! She just got spayed & microchipped 2wks ago, so now she's a "big girl". :) We're loven' her to death. Spoiled rotten. Actually I'm considering another one maybe someday soon! Will definitely let you know as we'd like to have another one from you all if we do.

Here's some pics.... The first is when we first got her (Black and silver) Now she's silver and white! The second two are recent pics. She's changed so much but such a cutie!! She loves her "jeep rides" with my daughter. HAHAHA! Hope all is well, and thanks again for breeding SUPER great pets!

Hello From Michigan! Just wanted to let you know that our puppy is probably the most loved and spoiled schnauzer in Michigan. We finally named him Tuck (short for Kentucky where he was born!).

Juli Matz (and Bell). :)
Ingram Family From Tennessee!

Hello from Tennessee!
We just wanted to send you a quick email and some photos and let you know how much we are enjoying our little Otto. He is such a joy. He is a little bundle of energy and completely housebroken. Our vets staff LOVES him! Carolyn (the vets receptionist) will always get him and hold him until its his turn. He has had all his shots and is in perfect health.
I have included photos of before and after his ear cropping. Thanks again and we will be sure to recommend you to anyone wanting a new baby! Thanks for everything!

Bev & Brian Ingram
Owners of Otto!
Boring Family From Tennessee! 2nd Update! 8/13/11!!

Today is Chloe's 2nd birthday!! We can't believe we have almost had her for 2 years! Time flies when your having fun with a great schnauzer! :) We made her a homemade birthday cake and she loved it!!! She kept getting the peanut butter icing stuck on her nose, and she would have to work so hard to get it off. It was the funniest thing to watch! Not a dull moment with Chloe for sure! We can't wait to spend many more birthday's with our little Chloe and hopefully another schnauzer too :)

Cody & Morgan Boring
Owners of Chloe!
Stephenson Family From Kentucky!

Olivia belongs to Karen Stephenson from Wayne County Ky.
As you can see here she is very proud of her Olivia,
as she took home 1st place in Best of Purebred Dog -Terrior division @ the Wayne County Fair 2011.

Olivia below getting ready for the state fair.
She now weighs in at a whopping 6lbs 2oz.

Piercy Family From Kentucky!! Update!!

Hi Rebecca,
We just wanted to give you an update on Guapo and our new addition-Bo. First of all, I don't know how Guapo made it without Bo. He was so happy to have a buddy to play with and welcomed her to our home immediately. It has gone from him being bored to never a dull moment. Guapo was a bit timid when we first got him; but Bo's adjustment to her new surroundings was instant. She's very independent and energetic and has been from the start.

Guapo was a year old April 5th and now weighs 17 pounds! We can't believe he's gotten that big. Bo is six months old and weighs in at 10.2 pounds. They are both very healthy. Guapo was neutered in October and did great. Bo was spayed April 11th and was also just fine.

They wrestle and play constantly. The also fight over their toys and rawhides. But they are the best of friends and also partners in crime. We learned very quick that if they are quiet then you better go check on them because they are up to no good!
They are a constant source of joy and amusement and we can't imagine not having them. I almost wish we were crazy enough to get a third but I'm afraid that once you're outnumbered you're in trouble lol.
So thank you once again for Guapo and Bo. They have enriched our lives so much.
Brand and Rachael
Owners of Guapo and Bo​
Ward Family From Kentucky!! Update!!

Hi Rebecca,
I just wanted to give you an update on Callie. She is 9 months old now and weighs 8.5 lbs. I am quiet sure she has finished growing as she has been the same size for a couple of months. Callie has the sweetest disposition as well as the most loving personality. She loves to play and play tug. Callie is our constant companion as she follows us everywhere. We are thinking of a sister for Callie in the Spring if you may have any that will be her size in April!
Hope you and all the furry little schnauzers have a wonderful Holiday Season!!
Steve and Kim Ward
Brown Family From Tennessee!!

Hi Rebecca,
My name is Paul Brown and we had the opportunity to get our Schnauzer from you last June. His name is Basie and tomorrow (April 5th) is Basie’s first birthday. Basie has been a wonderful puppy and has brought us lots of joy. He is a happy and fun-loving puppy, one who is very smart, loving, and most certainly strong-willed! We think of you often and are thankful that you took such good care of Basie before we got him. I thought that on his birthday, this would be a good time to send you a few pictures recently taken of him at Fountain City Park.

Again, thank you for giving us Basie.
Paul and Davia Brown
Jones/Dishman Family From Kentucky!

Just wanted to give you an update on Isabella Diamond. She is doing wonderful, she is so sweet! and so playful at times, she has grown to LOVE her green squeaky ball and she just goes to town fighting it and squeaking it. She has definately became a huge part of our family she fits right in so well. All the vet visits have gone well and last time we went she wieghed 4 pounds, doubling what she wieghed the first visit! She is learning to go potty outside and we can already tell shes going to be so smart. Everyone thinks shes the cutest doggy and my mom asked if she could have her! haha. Of course I said no, I'm too in love with her to ever give her up.

Just wanted to give you an update on Isabella Diamond. She is doing wonderful, she is so sweet! and so playful at times, she has grown to LOVE her green squeaky ball and she just goes to town fighting it and squeaking it. She has definately became a huge part of our family she fits right in so well. All the vet visits have gone well and last time we went she wieghed 4 pounds, doubling what she wieghed the first visit! She is learning to go potty outside and we can already tell shes going to be so smart. Everyone thinks shes the cutest doggy and my mom asked if she could have her! haha. Of course I said no, I'm too in love with her to ever give her up.

She's mine and my Fiance's baby :). The day we picked her up was such a great day and one that I will never forget, I got a beautifull puppy and to my surprise an engagement ring hanging from her collar! I was in shock when I saw that ring and then I heard the words, "will you marry me?" it finally hit me and of course I said "yes!" One of the best days of my life and I'm so greatful the you and the pup was a part of it. You are a great breeder and was never hesitant to answer my questions, I appreciate all that you do. Keep up the great work and I will keep you updated on Bella's progress.

Thank you!
Brooke and Justin: Owners of Bella
Lampley Family From Tennessee!

Hope you all had a wondeful Christmas and a Happy New Year as well. I have attached a Christmas card of me and Winston.
He had a BIG Christmas with lots of new toys ;o)
We continue to love him more and more each day and I cannot believe I have had him over a year now. I moved into my new house back in March and he loves the backyard, which is fenced in.
He chases birds and squirrels and patrols the neighborhood for me! Thank you again for raising such amazing dogs, Winston is the sweetest thing ever. He cuddles more than ever now that he is a little older. Take care and I'll update later on when he's a little older :o)
Leah & Winston (Sydney & Koda)
Hawkins & Combs Family's From Kentucky!

Hello there!!
I'm Emily Hawkins and I had received one of your gorgeous pups for Christmas last year. I wanted to give you all an up date on her and her little half sister that my grand parents James and Barbara Combs had purchased too. They both have grown to be fantastic pups and so smart! We took some photos of them for Christmas and I couldn't resist to let you all see how they have grown and look now. Thank you again for such great dogs! They make our days so much brighter with them in it! The one in the red is Trixey, which is mine, and the green is Lady Katie, which is Mamaws.

Happy Holidays!!
The Hawkins and Combs Family's

Heshler Family From Kentucky!

UPDATE! Christmas 2010
Rocky just graduated from obedience school. We sent him because he freaks out when people come to visit and we thought it might calm him down (it didn't). He does know some simple demands at least.

We're convinced that Coco is part cat because she just wants to lay on our lap and snuggle all day. She is probably the most mild-mannered dog we have ever met. Everyone that comes to our house wants to take her home. In the picture she has her favorite ball. She is mesmorized by it. She'll just sit and stare at it. It's funny.

Have a Happy Holidays!
Eve, Brian, Alexei & Giuliana
Owners of Rocky & Coco
Francis Family From Kentucky!

Just wanted to send you a picture of our beautiful dog we got from you in 2009.
His name is Charlie and he has been a wonderful dog!
Beth Francis: Owner of Charlie.
Wadley Family From Tennessee!

Hi Becky, Boonie, a.k.a Raylan, is doing very, very well. He is extremely smart, extremely playful and very loving. He has been my constant companion since day one, last July. We have been taking him to work with every day since we brought him home. He is now known as the Ascension Church Puppy. Everyone loves to come into my office to visit with him. He is about to turn 5 months old, and weighs almost 8 pounds. About two weeks ago, he was able to descend the stairs! Prior to that, he would sit at the top of the stairs and not even try to go down. One day, I thought I would help him go down the stairs, and about 15 minutes later, he came down on his own. He is also lifting a leg when he urinates...what a big boy! I hope all is well with you and your other pups.

Take care, Cathy Wadley
Owner of Boonie (Snowflake & Dreamer)
Martin Family From Tennessee!!

Hi Rebecca,
We would like to update you on Jackson.
He is 5 months old and a real spunky little guy.
The grandchildren love him.
I have to say you are truly one of the best breeders.

Thanks so much the Martins
Owners of Jackson (son of Rosie & Hank)
Yadon Family From Kentucky!

Hi Rebecca, I was just giving you an update on Jake... He is a very healthy and happy boy. He weight in at a huge 3.8 lbs. He has been a great addition to our family.

He is spoiled rotton, he follows me every step. I am planning on having him neutered as soon as he is old enough.

Thanks again.... Yadon Family
Owners of Jake
(Pepper & Gibbs son)
Flowers Family From Alabama!

Hey Becky, this is Kelly Flowers from Huntsville, AL. I bought a gorgeous Phantom Black & Silver female from you last fall. Here is a gorgeous picture of her (Sable) with her "summer" haircut. She loves to chase chipmunks and squirrels. The other picture is of her & her sister Eliza who I bought from another breeder.Hey Becky, this is Kelly Flowers from Huntsville, AL. I bought a gorgeous Phantom Black & Silver female from you last fall. Here is a gorgeous picture of her (Sable) with her "summer" haircut. She loves to chase chipmunks and squirrels. The other picture is of her & her sister Eliza who I bought from another breeder.

I look at your page often to look at the other beauties you have. Keep up the good work.
Brad & Kelly Flowers: Owners of Sable.
(Juney B. & Midnight)
Hatzenbuhler Family From Illinois!

Hi Becky, Sophia and Sadie are now 6 months old.
I thought you might want to see what they look like. They are dressed for Halloween.
I can't tell you how much I love these dogs, they are so much fun, even when they do something bad, I can't get
mad at them. My kids thing they are spoiled rotten, which they are.
I'm not sure if you remember all the dogs you sell or not, but I'm from Illinois, and these are Grace and Midnights puppies. So glad I traveled so far to get my babies.
Thanks Terri Hatzenbuhler