I am so glad to be able to create another testimonials page, so often people who buy our babies dont keep in touch, but increasingly the number of new owners are updating us on our babies growth and health progress!
Thank you all, and keep them coming!
Ward Family From Kentucky!

Here are some pictures of Callie our beautiful and sweet, black and silver little girl. The first pictures are when we brought her home at 7 weeks old and the later pictures are of her now that she is almost 16 weeks old and weighs a whopping 4.7 lbs. The vet told me she is one of the best bred puppies that she has ever seen so hats off to Trammels Quality Schnauzer's for your efforts. She is very playful and loves attention!

Callie follows us everywhere we go! She loves to travel in the car, play with other dogs and is really friendly with everyone she meets. Her most favorite thing to do is explore in the backyard where she hops around like a grasshopper and she loves to cool off in the pool.

Everyone that sees her wants to keep her so I have to watch for dognappers everyday! She has been such a great addition to our family and we wouldn't know what to do without her!!

Steve and Kim Ward: Owners of Callie (Juney B & Monte)
Prestonsburg, KY
UPDATE!! 10-9-10
Thought you may like an updated pic of Callie. She is 7 months and one week tomorrow and has weighed 7 1/2 lbs the past two weeks. She is a sweetheart! I want another one, maybe in the Spring!
Kim Ward Prestonsburg, KY

Sharpe Family From Kentucky!

Hey Rebecca, I wanted to let you know that I couldn't be happier with Phiona. I'm so glad you let this little gem go! I've had her a little over a month and already know I could never let her go. She learns tricks so easily...such a smarty pants! Everyone loves her and she is well socialized...hasn't met a stranger yet!

She went to the vet today and I must announce that she gained 1 lb a week...already up to 5 WHOLE lbs...lol. Anyway, I'm spreading the word to everyone I know. Everyone should have the opportunity to own one (or more!) of your lovely pups!
Many Thanks for this gals new best friend!

Amanda Sharpe & Phiona
(Delilah & Banjo Daughter)
Piercy Family From Kentucky!

Rebecca, we just wanted to give you an update on Gaupo. He is doing great, the vet said we have a very healthy boy. He was so timid and scared the first two days we had him but he now thinks he owns us as well as the house. When we take him outside he puts the leash in his mouth and tries to walk us! He is very independent and a bit bossy at times. It's so funny to watch him try to boss us around but what's even funnier is that it works most of the time. We love him very much and so does everyone else. He is very socialable and loves kids.

Guapo recently went to the groomer for his first haircut. They fell in love with him. The groomer went on and on about how pretty he is and how calm and well behaved he was for her.
We will continue to give you updates from time to time. Thank you so much.
Rachael and Brandi: Owners of Guapo
(son of Annie and Midnight)
Herman Family From Michigan!

Hello From Michigan! Just wanted to let you know that our puppy is probably the most loved and spoiled schnauzer in Michigan. We finally named him Tuck (short for Kentucky where he was born!).

He is so beautiful and smart. He goes with me to work each day and the entire staff at the clinic is totally in love with him. He is very calm and happy, loves everyone including our grandchildren and the neighbor's large dog!

I can't thank you enough for this boy. We cannot believe how brave and calm he is in any situation. Thanks again for your great puppies-I would recommend you to everyone who wants a wonderful schnauzer!
Rhonda Herman: Owner of Tuck!
Haynes Family From Kentucky!

Hello Rebecca, I’m finally getting around to updating you on Dolly’s progress. She went for her last check-up and shots a couple of weeks ago; he said she is in perfect health.

She has adjusted to life in the Haynes household quite well and has quickly become a very important member of our family. We all love her and it’s obvious she feels the same way about us. We definitely made the right choice by getting another dog after our beloved Maggie passed away, she has been a lot of comfort. Thank you for raising such beautiful puppies!

Hal, Denise, Devyn, Dudley: Owners of Dolly.
UPDATE!! 9/27/2010

I thought you might be interested in seeing new pictures of Dolly. Some include Dudley, our 13 year old (he’s getting so fragile), and as you can see they have become quite close. He grooms her just like he did Maggie; I believe she’s comforting to him. We have all fallen in love with her, even Hal. At first he was a bit reluctant to get close to her because she reminds him so much of Maggie, but she has won him over. I’m a little bit jealous, I do everything for her and yet she wants to be in her daddy’s lap every night as we are watching TV. They patty-cake together, and she won’t let him stop. If he ever teaches her to do it on her own I’ll send you a video.
Just wanted you to know how much she means to us.

Denise Haynes
Owner of Dolly (from TQS) and Dudley.
Chambers Family From South Carolina!

Rebecca, we purchased Missy 8/09 and just absolutely love her so much. She is my precious baby who sits with me in my chair while I work and just is a lover and cuddler. Thank you for the wonderful addition to our house. Life would be very dull for Toby without her. Toby loves his "Mistress".

The Chambers Family Bluffton, SC
Owners of Missy (Ritzy/Koda puppy)
Wages Family From Tennessee!

Rebecca, Just thought we would bring you up to date with the progress of the puppy which we purchased from you last Monday. She has been named Annie and she passed her vet inspection on Wednesday being declared a "keeper" by our vet.
She is a bundle of energy and really has gotten the hang of the need to go outdoors as soon as she has eaten. We have even seen her go to the front door indicating an interest to "get to the grass." She really loves it in the yard where she almost can try to hide in the blades of grass.

Our other 5 year old female, Tillie, was reluctant to interact with Annie for the first couple of days, and let her know who was boss...........but the last two days has been initiating play with Annie by grabbing the small toys that we got of Annie and running off with them and looking back to see if she was following. So looks like the acclimation to the home is coming along smoothly. The pup really is spreading her wings and trying everything she can to test us on what she is allowed/not allowed to get away with. We had forgotten about how much raising a puppy was like the same for your own babies. Continuous sleep at night is not something we can take for granted..........but we are getting 2-4 hours before she starts crying to go outside to relieve her tiny bladder and intestinal system. But when she gets outside..........she doesn't waste any time!!

I have attached a few photos taken the second day in the house.
Thank you for this opportunity to add this real cutie to our household.
Dwight & Diane Wages: Owners of Annie.
(Lucie & Midnight daughter)
McFather Family From Georgia!

Becky, today is Rowdy's 2nd birthday. He is doing extremely well. He has not had any health issues at all. He weighs 11.4 lbs. and has for quiet some time. He is the love of our lives.

He sleeps with us and goes with us whenever we can take him. He has never been in a crate and has full run of the house even when we're gone. He is a precious part of our family and we thanks you eternally for letting us have him. I will be emailing some photos and a fes minutes of him with his birthday cupcake and present.

Sandra McFather - Mother of Rowdy!
Kennison Family From Florida!

Becky, Just wanted to send you a quick hello and a big thank you for our Penelope. You did such a great job with her. She is one of the smartest puppies I've ever seen. She is nearly 100% house broken after only a week and can do about 5 different tricks as well as go up the stairs...still working on getting down once she's up though. :) She might have been better named Shadow; she follows me wherever I go and cries if I leave her sight for one minute. It's a good thing we live here in the Palm Beaches because dogs are allowed just about everywhere you go, and we take her everywhere! She is weighing 3.9 pounds now but still thinks she is a Great Dane and barks to protect our yard and house from all the other dogs in the neighborhood. As promised, I will continue to send updates. Attached are some pictures.

Nyree Kennison & Family
Owners of Penelope Kennison
(daughter of Sydney & Tramp)
Boring Family From Tennessee

Hi Rebecca, we purchased a little girl out of the Ritzy and Koda litter back in August. We just wanted to update you on this precious little girl!! Chloe has grown up so fast. She weighs 10.5 pounds. I don't think she could be any more perfect!!
We will definitely be coming back to you for our next schnauzer, we check your website regularly awing over all of the new little babies you have. Thank you so much for a healthy and beautiful girl!!!

Cody & Morgan Boring
Ewashko Family From Kentucky!

Hi Rebecca,
I was just sifting through some old email folders and ran across your website and just had to take a look.
We got our Mini-Schnauzer "Maggie" from you almost 3 years ago. She is all grown up now and has been such a blessing to our family. When we got Maggie, we knew our 14 year old Chocolate Lab would not be with us much longer. Nevertheless our lab took to Maggie as if it was her own puppy. It wasn't an unusual scene to look out in the backyard and see Maggie lounging on top of Bailey's back in a sunny spot on the grass. Maggie has never given us a moments trouble, her disposition is so very sweet, and she was housebroken in a matter of days it seemed. She's never snapped at anyone and puts up with three kids wanting to play with her all the time.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that Maggie is truly a joy to our family and we don't know what we would have done without her to fill the gap since we had to have our Chocolate Lab "put down" last October.

Thanks again,
The Ewashko Family
Georgetown, Kentucky
Corley Family From Kentucky!

It's been a year now since we got our little Mable and I never thought a little dog could bring so much joy to our lives! She is an excellent companion; so intelligent, loving and playful. Thank you so much for the wonderful addition to our family!

-Brittany and Robbie Corley (Somerset, KY)
Boring Family From Tennessee!

Rebecca, we absolutely love our new addition the the family. Chloe is fitting in just perfect with us. These pictures are after we brought her home, everyone just loves Chloe they can't believe how beautiful her colors are. We love her and think that we couldn't have picked a more perfect puppy. We can't wait to watch her grow up and keep us company for a long time.

Cody & Morgan Wilson
Owners of Chloe
Wilson Family From Tennessee!

Hello! Just wanted to send some pictures of Spencer all grown up for your website. He is doing so well! We cleaned out a spare bedroom for him and put up a baby gate with a door in the middle. He runs in and out of his room all day dragging his bed and toys back and forth into the living room. All of our friends adore him, he has the most unique personality. Spencer is a great snuggler when he wants to be and he loves to hang around the yard sniffing and chasing rabbits. He does wonderfully on a leash and the potty training went really well. He is certainly everything we were hoping for and more, every day is an adventure.

Schnauzers are so much like children sometimes it just amazes my husband and I! I have attached his most recent pictures. I believe he is fully grown now at about 11 lbs., he is 12 inches tall, 22 inches from nose to tail and his chest is 16 inches around. His color is beautiful and his photos do not do him justice. I am sure no dog has ever been as spoiled as he is, thanks again. Have a wonderful Christmas!!

The Wilson's ~ Justin & Tiffany owners of Spencer!
(son of Caurie Leigh & Koda)
Lampley Family From Tennessee!

Rebecca, I wanted to write and give you some pictures and an update on Winston. He has such a sweet unique personality (he sings like his mom Sydney). My family and I have spent many days and nights playing and bonding with him.

He has learned a few tricks in which he will do in an instant for a treat! He is training well and has been an amazing addition to my family! I could not picture my life without him now :o)

Leah Lampley owner of Winston.
(Sydney & Koda)
Hurd Family From Kentucky!

We just wanted to update you on Molly. She is up to 10 lbs now, and so adorable. She is definitely a mommas girl and I love it. She keeps me lots of company while my husband is working away. Potty training her was so easy. She has learned that she can bark, and does it quite often. She has taken over my side of the bed.
Rebecca, she is the best purchase we could have ever made. We love her.
Thank you again & Merry Christmas!
Amy and Byron Hurd, owners of Molly.
Monticello, KY
Koch Family From Tennessee!

Lillie is now living with the Koch family in Knoxville Tennesse.

(Lillie as a baby)

Kerry Family From Alabama!

I just wanted to write and tell you thank you so much for my wonderful dog, Bailey. My family fell in love with this pup from day one, and she has only continued to wiggle her way into our hearts. As you can see from the photos, she is a beautiful girl witha shiny coat and a sparkle in her eye. You have done an excellent job as a breeder by producing such beautiful, happy and healthy puppies. You are by far one of the kindest and most knowledgable breeders I have met, and I think you do the miniature schnauzer a good service by producing such wonderful puppies.

I would reccomend you to anyone looking for a puppy, and anyone looking at your site can rest assured that you actually care about the dogs you bring into the world. Thanks again, and I hope you and all of your family and schnauzers have a Merry Christmas and Yappy New Year!

(Bailey as a Baby)
Brooke Kerry and the Schnauzies
Mr. Simmons From GA, Update!

Becky, here are some updated pictures of Koa. Koa is a great addition to my family, Koa brings soooo much happiness and joy around my home.. He is totally crate trained and house broken, so we are on set times for potty and meals.. He will tell you when he has to go out if he ate or drank a little to much, he will walk up to me in my office and look directly at me and start walking to the back door.. That look is to follow him or I will leave you a little surprise, so we communicate with looks and gestures as well.. LOL!!
I remember Koa being able to fit in my one hand, now he is the size of my whole four arm, but he is not big.. Koa is my handsome little man, he is very playful, his favorite thing to do is run full speed around the house and slide on the kitchen floor, he LOVES that.. LOL!! Oh his sense of smell and hearing is AWESOME, he hears and smells everything.. He is a great ALERT dog, sometimes it scares me cause he and I could be in the office and I am just working and he is under my desk and out of no where he barks and I jump of course and takes off for the door and barks.. Then seconds later, a knock or doorbell.. He will hear things to the back of the home, when my office is to the front, and I go see what he's barking at and its the neighbors kids playing a block over.. I am truly AMAZED by his ability..

We have this thing where I teach him to run and jump and I catch him in mid air to get me a hug and steal some of his kisses.. LOL!! That's my boy and I love him, I know I have no regrets, I think this is the best purchase I could have ever made for myself.. He will soon to be ready if he is not already to breed.. I am only wanting him to breed with the best quality females (AKC) and thanks to your knowledge you have really helped me to do my research and know what I am getting myself into and to know what to look for in a female AKC Mini Schnauzer..
Thanks again Becky I will be in touch.. Who knows, I might be back for a Phantom female a black and white in 2010.. I have my eyes on your website.. LOL!!
Alfred Simmons, owner of Koa.
Mastrolia Family From Kentucky!

Angus is great. He is the most laid back, kind dog that I have ever had. Everyone is amazed that a purebred dog can be so calm and nice. He really is, and he is beautiful like his mother. I am attaching a few pictures of Angus, and my now 3 grandchildren. They were all here for Thanksgiving and we had a ball!! They will all be back for Christmas.

Angus is wonderful with the children and his little brother Nigel is pretty good too. He is just a little more excited at times. Have a wonderful holiday and always keep us in mind. My mother, who has Alzheimers, has developed a bond with Angus. It is truly a wonderful thing. He is so loving with her.
Love to you all,
Sally Mastrolia owner of Angus.